The time has come to remember who you really are. Open your heart, embrace your own light & shine!

It is such an honour and joy for me to co-create with you in my one-on-one sessions and group workshops.
I feel truly blessed for the privilege to be your guide.
As a divine channel and energy anchor I bring through messages, light codes, healing, love and activations from the spiritual realms: your higher self, spirit guides and angels, and from the stars and the very Universe itself …
From the
of my Heart
my deepest gratitude.

My time with Lovisa was magical, grounding, and expanded my heart. This is truly one of the best gifts I could have given myself. Lovisa is so lovely and truly gifted at what she does. Lovisa created a space that felt nurturing, supportive, and full of love. The messages that came thru resonated so deeply and anchored directly into my heart. I gained wisdom for my path and a true inner knowing of the support that I have moving forward. Star beings, Dragons, Archangel Dorenka, and my soul family all come thru. The connection was so strong tears of love and joy fell from my eyes. I could feel a shift and expansion that has continued to stay with me. I have connected to my recording a few times since and each time I love it even more.
I am beyond grateful to you Lovisa and recommend to anyone who feels called to work with her to love yourself enough to say yes to that call. 💖💫"
Jamie Eazor
I feel so much gratitude for my opportunity to work with Lovisa.
She is a very gifted, gentle yet powerful energy worker that assists her clients to reconnect with their higher selves, soul family and source itself.
Her preparation in advance of each individual session is extensive. This creates a pathway for the magic of the universe to unfold in a very powerful way.
Simultaneously, you will experience her gentle and playful demeanor as she guides you on an inciteful journey into a fifth dimensional state of consciousness.
Paul M
Our session was like a treasure box with hidden multiple layers. When I'm ready, something new is downloaded. It is so much richer than what I experienced during the session itself and the few days afterward!!!
I feel so very grateful to you. For appearing in my dreams and inviting me to have a session with you. For our beautiful session. And the energies of it (so much more powerful than what I could grasp at first).
Så himla mäktigt och magiskt, Lovisa. Ändå känns dessa ord så ynkligt små i jämförelse med vad jag känner inom mig. Det var så kraftfullt, kärleksfullt och befrielsen som infann sig fick tårarna att rinna. Jag har svårt att finna ord, faktiskt. Men om jag säger så här med all min kärlek ” Att inte finna ord, säger ALLT”.
Tack Lovisa för det arbete du gör för att öka både min/våran och jordens uppstigning.
How very powerful and magical, Lovisa. Still these words feel so tiny and small in comparison to what I feel inside of me. It was so powerful, loving and the feeling of freedom that came to me made tears fall from my face. I actually find it hard to find the words to describe it. But I will say this with all my love “Not being able to find the right words says EVERYTHING”.
Thank you Lovisa for the work that you do for both mine/our ascension, and for the ascension of planet Earth.
Dear Lovisa,
I must say thank you for this beautiful session today. I feel like I have been floating all day, in a strange but very calm state. I can’t tell you how right it felt to have had that session with you today. I am always amazed at how the universe conspires and for the timing to be so appropriate.
Thank you and thank you to Metatron and his army of archangels who assisted.
Stort tack !
Finaste Lovisa för en fantastisk och stark
session som berörde på djupet. 🔥
Blir lika glad varje gång jag tittar på
inspelningen !
Så starka möten, aktiveringar och pusselbitar
som föll på plats.
Känns så bra att få veta mer om sin uppgift
och energikopplingar, fått inspiration och
större klarhet på livsvägen.
Har varit med på flera zoom event tidigare
och är så glad att jag nu bokade en session.
Ländes så rätt och bra på alla sätt.
Så tacksam !
A big thank you lovely Lovisa for a fantastic and powerful session that touched me deeply. 🔥
I am filled with joy every time I watch the recording! Such powerful meetings, activations and pieces of the jigsaw that fell into place.
It feels so good to know more about my mission and energetic connections. It gave me inspiration and more clarity for my life path.
I have participated in several of your previous zoom events and I am so happy that I now booked a private session. It felt so good in every way.
In gratitude 🧡
"Tack fina Lovisa för vår stund tillsammans. Jag hade sedan en tid tillbaka känt att det var dags att ta hjälp utifrån, det är ju så svårt att se sig själv med neutrala ögon.
Jag är alltid mycket noga med vem jag vänder mig till eftersom den personen måste ha en ren energi. Personen måste vara helt klar över på vilken nivå informationen, som hon/han förmedlar, inhämtas och ha gjort sitt eget inre arbete. När jag såg dig på facebook så visste jag att du var rätt person för mig. När vi sedan hade vår session så kände jag mig i så trygga händer och din ödmjukhet och vackra själ lyste igenom.
Vad har då hänt med mig sedan vår session? Det har skett ett skifte i min energi, en kraftfull aktivering och jag har fått ett mod, som dom omkring mig också har uppmärksammat.
Jag vill varmt rekommendera dig Lovisa till alla som söker guidning och önskar dig all lycka till på din kärleksfulla väg framåt.
Tacksamma hälsningar”
”Thank you lovely Lovisa for our session together. I had been feeling for a while that it was time for me to seek guidance from someone else; as you know it is so hard to see oneself with neutral eyes.
I am always very careful about who I turn to, because that person needs to have a pure energy. The individual needs to be completely clear about the level from which the information that he/she channels is coming and he/she must have done the inner work on themself too. When I saw you on Facebook I knew that you were the right person for me. When we then had our session I felt that I was in completely safe hands, and your humility and your beautiful soul shone through.
So what has happened with me after our session? There has been a shift in my energy, a powerful activation, and I have received a courage that the people around me are also noticing.
I warmly want to recommend you, Lovisa, to everyone seeking guidance and I wish you the best of luck on your loving path forwards.
With gratitude”
Cecilia B
Thank you so much Lovisa I enjoyed the session so much and gained an abundance of imagery, knowledge, and love from the Temple of the Soul. It was magical, you are wonderful.
Thanks so much, Stay Wonderful!
Sarah Upson xx
Thank you so much Lovisa for the amazing session with The Great Refractor last night. It was a wonderful and very loving experience. I feel so uplifted and renewed today. I'm very grateful to all the Arch Angels, Angels, Spirits, Guides, Ascended Masters, Light beings, Unicorns, and all other beings that came through and joined us. Lovisa guided the meditation with much love and light.
I warmly recommend anyone thinking about signing up for this session to do so.
Lots of love to all you beautiful souls. 🙏❤️
I had an amazing session in the great refractor with Lovisa! I can't describe how incredible powerful and insightful it was. Lovisa has guided me so skillfully, precise and gentle to clear blocks that have hindered me for ages. I was glowing for days and still feel this field around me and tap into it regularly to connect with the energy and the healing. Thank you so much Lovisa! It was an extraordinary session, that I can highly recommend to everybody who would like an energy boost and guidance on their path.
Thank you, Lovisa! I'm so grateful. I love all you shared. I will listen to the session and meditation over and over! What a great session. I'm still flying high and the energy is flowing through.
Reverence is the word that comes through to me after the session.💜Thank you for everything. It's really special for me to have had the opportunity to work with you! Your open heart is like coming home. Working with you brought fresh air and movement again. The words "thank you" - are just not adequate to convey how grateful I am. You are doing sacred work! I know that you know that already. I just had to say it here. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
"Thank You so much Lovisa! I am really feeling the wonderful energies from the truly wonderful session. I am so grateful to you for all the heart energy you have put into this work for me, bless you xxx
Thank you also for the document and the photos just arrived … the cards are so accurate and powerful for me too. I also thank all of my guides and angels who are helping me now!
Until we meet again, Much love"
Linda Mallett xxx
Tack för en fantastisk session! Den gav mig så mycket, både förståelse och inspiration att fortsätta. Nu förstår jag min gåva lite bättre.
Thank you for a fantastic session! It gave me so much, both understanding and inspiration to carry on. Now I understand my Gift a little better.
Thank you for today's session, from the bottom of my heart. It was absolutely amazing!! I got so much sparkling and light, but extremely strong energy! And lots of new knowledge as well!
What a profoundly moving experience! I had no idea what to expect but I knew to deeply trust my intuition that Lovisa would be able to shed light and guide me on some questions regarding my own Guides and my spiritual journey.
She was able to do exactly that and so much more. She has such a gentle, wise, light energy that really resonated and her channelled guidance was incredibly accurate! I'm amazed by some of the synchronicities! Her beautifully delivered meditation was a truly special journey, like an initiation.
I feel lighter, as though pieces of the jigsaw have slotted into places and I feel excited about the path ahead. I am already more aligned and much more trusting in myself. And I am so grateful to Lovisa. Deepest, heart-felt thanks. 💜🙏
"Your wonderful session blew me away, the cards you chose for me nailed it and the personalized visualisation brought great insights which will help me to advance on my ascension path. I also appreciated the transcript of the visualisation very much.
Thank you so much, Lovisa, I will be back."
Thank you Lovisa for the amazing and powerful workshop Reawaken your Alta Major and your Higher Heart! I feel the rippling effects still 10 days later.
The first meditation where we cleared past events, that prevents us from feeling loved and accepted, was so moving and I have done it a second time on replay, not only to clear the past, but also to feel the encompassing love.
The second meditation did not only clear and open the 3 “new” 5D chakras, but also enables our soul to interweave fully with our current existence and to embrace all our power and talents. And Lovisa did hold the space so lovingly and powerful for us, so that all these transmutations could happen. I can truly say, that I have not attended many workshops who had such an impact on me.
And I can highly recommend that you buy this workshop, if you want to heal past traumas, really align with your soul and clear the blockages that hold you in the 3D matrix.
Dear Lovisa thanks a lot for my powerful online session.
I booked this inner journey with you because I needed an energy boost and wished to get more visible in my spiritual business. I feel deeply connected to Golden Atlantis and was very excited when you guided me to a healing temple.
During the treatment in the Great Refractor I received light from the sun and many stars and felt all my 12 chakras being lit up, sending out a very powerful light that was then reflected back into my whole energy field.
In my deep state of relaxation I absorbed the images and informations you gave me, as you received them during this intense process. What touched me most was the realisation to have so many helpers around me all the time and that they come from different stars with various energies – and are supporting me!
After the session I felt beaming like a Christmas tree and deeply connected with all that is. I am absolutely sure that I am visible from the moon now!
Thank you for your great work, I can highly recommend your healing sessions!
Dr. Kerstin Joost,