With Pernille Eisenhardt & Lovisa Alvtörn
Original workshop date: May 24, 2022
Many of us have done a lot of healing and clearing work on our physical existence over the course of years now: clearing old traumas and blocks from this lifetime and others and working with ancestral healing. This has helped us become more balanced and centred, as we are raising our frequency step by step, day by day.
Now, our brothers and sisters of the Stars are coming in, saying that we have come to the point when it is time for us to look up into the sky … They want to help us reconnect with our ancestral roots among the Stars, the lineage that is not our Earth lineage, but our Star origin and our Star ancestors.
Because our Earth lineage is but one aspect of us. Our full existence is vast … We are unlimited beings: timeless, ageless and absolute. And there is a lot of clearing and healing also needing to take place in relation to our Star being aspects.
You - as an Interstellar being - have had a various number of identities all across this solar system, this galaxy, this Universe and in various other Universes. All have added up to the full consciousness of your Interstellar Monadic presence. To better understand this, try to visualise your consciousness as a web. An intergalactic web of interstellar Monadic presence. See it before you. This is who you truly are. And this is what you would benefit from reuniting with.
In this workshop Pernille and Lovisa will guide you to reconnect with your home planets or stars throughout the multiverse, the ones that you at a Soul level are ready to reunite with now. To heal and reconnect with the levels of identity, talents, wisdom and gifts that are ready to reunite with your Soul. You will be recharged, with what you once left behind.
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Star Seed Origin - Recording
• Learn about and receive guidance from different Star beings – like the Pleiadeans, the Arcturians, the Venusians and the Annunaki. The focus will be on our Star Origin and its meaning to us in our lives at this time.
• In meditation: visit the most prominent planet or star of your Star origin to reconnect with right now. Releasing anything you don’t need to carry with you anymore, healing in the heart space of the star/planet and integrating in Archangel Raphael’s mirrors all the aspects of you from this place.
• Connect out into the Cosmos for full integration of your Interstellar consciousness, that you need to own once again.
• Bring back the Star seed energy for the collective on Earth. This work is major service work that is done under grace and will benefit many who are struggling in their lives right now.
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